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In brief: Details on yesterday's happenings

More on this tonight, but since there are details out on yesterday's Carousel Center shenanigans, I thought I should pass some along. You can read stories here and here. It's cliché to say one does not trust politicians these days. They turn back on campaign promises. They betray the public trust. Mayor Driscoll was applauded in November for successfully turning his campaign against Republican challenger Joanie Mahoney and Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins into a campaign against the developers of the Destiny USA project. And one has to admire his cunning throughout the day yesterday. Of course, cunning is not something you want in a politician, nor is backpedalling on the single campaign issue that got him elected.

I'll be expanding on this stuff a little bit later – and I'm sure there will be more comment throughout the day from the Common Council and others. Keep an eye out.
you can't avoid open meetings law by intentionally telling a board member to essentiallly stand outside!
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