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$19M in actual investment

For those of you still waiting to see if Pyramid gets the OK to go ahead and consider possibly investing some money in Syracuse, I want to direct your attention to Southern Wine & Spirits, a company that has been renting two spaces – one in Clay and one in downtown Syracuse – will invest $19 million to build something they own over in Lyncourt, near Syracuse China.

The company's 135 local employees will move there; target date for shovels is Nov. 1, and for opening, Sept. 1, 2007.

The new building will displace three little league baseball fields, so the company is donating money to the city to replace them.

Holy crap! Investment and responsibility. These are the companies we want here, folks.
I agree completely. I am so sick of Congelitis. He wants, he wants, he wants, he wants. Can anyone explain how someone who works at the mall in a retail setting can afford to buy a car and a house in the Syracuse area? Cause I can't figure it out. Let's see, average house cost...average car cost...Salary of a retail manager at the mall... doesn't compute at all. We need companies that make things, create capital and goods. Companies that innovate. Not companies that take other peoples' land and whine about paying taxes. "Some see steel, we see jobs" read the signs on the rusting piles of steel he had delivered to the Carousel neighborhood. I say, Some see steel, we see STEAL.
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